AgeChief Complaint 
20left facial swelling, concussion Complete Assignment
57neck and back pain. Complete Assignment
20left foot painComplete Assignment
81pt vomiting blood for 3 daysComplete Assignment
77clogged fistula portComplete Assignment

The patient contacts listed above were encountered on 3/22/2017  at AMR South Fulton, Day Truck, 3505 Naturally Fresh Blvd., Atl., GA 30349   while riding with Tim  on unit 8177 .  The clinical experience was scheduled to start at 700  and conclude at 1900 .   If you worked beyond slated departure time, click the edit link below and add the number of hours extra you worked in the box provided.  Feel free to write any comments about the shift in the comments box.  If this is your first time seeing this statement, please click the 'Edit' link below and answer the questions in the boxes provided.


Hours Added: 12
Please Input Clinical Site Information Before Proceeding


Mission Complete, Ready To Do Another PCR or Quit


Please tell us about the Field Training Officer

Was the FTO trained to your level of training or higher?

Did the appearance of the ambulance and crew inspire confidence?

Did you feel learned something from the events of the day or the crew ?

Did you feel the FTO was knowledgeable about his/her job?

On a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best), how would you rate the experience with the FTO?

Did the FTO seem care about the patients who were contacted?

If you answered no to the above question, please explain how the FTO could improve.

What would you say are the finest character traits of this FTO?

Do you feel this FTO made you a better EMT/AEMT/Paramedic today?

Final and most important question, did you learn anything during the shift that we didn't cover in class or online?

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CrewSolutions, Inc.