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Thank you for your interest in GeorgiaEMSAcademy.com. We take pride in providing the most interesting and effective training in out-of-hospital medicine to students all over Georgia. Our motto is “Talk is Cheap” because when students come to class, they are expected to learn the skills and then demonstrate their proficiency to the satisfaction of the Lead Instructor of the course. Students complete a rigorous list of assignments between in person training sessions and are supervised by the Lead Instructor. Students are issued uniforms and expected to be prepared for each training session. You will be eligible to take the National Registry Exam when you complete our program.

Our programs are tough and we demand a lot from our students.  Our programs are not cheap.  Good students are literate, mature, and have a reason to be in our class.  The in- person parts of our courses are completely dominated by skills training and verification.  There is no lecture, if you don’t understand something, you have to ask a question (we don’t read minds).  We demand that our students be good with their hands and have some level of mastery over the basic skills of our profession.  By the time you complete our program, you will be able to operate a stretcher, possess excellent airway and patient assessment skills, be able to perform CPR on anybody at anytime as well as utilize an AED.  Our programs are rigorous and require serious students.   


Why zero?  When a computer counts something, it starts at zero.  Since everything  you will do as a GeorgiaEMSAcademy.com student is counted by our server and tracked in our database, zero is where you start.  font-style: normal; font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none">The GeorgiaEMSAcademy.com EMT-Online Program is delivered over 12 weeks. Training is conducted every one to two weeks at locations unique to each offering of the program. We believe that EMT's and AEMT's must be proficient in the basic skills of our business. These skills are patient assessment, spinal immobilization, resuscitation, CPR, lifting and moving patients, and airway management. This philosophy comes from years of training and remediating students in the field. We focus on what you need to know in order to make it through your first year of employment. Our program has been very successful at getting students into the workforce.

We never said this course would be easy, just that you can complete it in three months. We don't just give our students what they need to pass the National Registry exam, we provide our students with the solid foundation they need to build a successful career in the EMS industry. GeorgiaEMSAcademy.com has always been about training students to excel at the job of running EMS calls. Anybody can carry an EMT or AEMT card, but our students can actually do the work. Our programs can put you 'In Service' quicker and better than any other program.


Our teaching methods are extremely different from other programs.  Our goal is to teach all the various parts of the DOT National EMS Education Standards with cleverly planned and executed training exercises called clusters.  A group of students will be divided into smaller groups of 6 or less students trained by a georgiaemsacademy.com EMS Instructor or adjunct.  This out of the box way of training is extremely effective in terms of how much you can learn in a short period of time.  After you have mastered a collection of skills, you put it all together in an 'epiphany'.  Some epiphanies come everytime you come to class; other epiphanies you have to wait for.  For instance, an EMT student is taught every component patient assessment before a realistic scenario is ever presented.  Without ever being coached on how to use all of these skills together, most of our students perform at very high levels during our summative evaluation process.  The result:  actually learning has taken place without the benefit of a student spending hours memorizing unrealistic skill sheets or other worthless training method.   Why all the emphasis on speed and efficiency?  Because that is what EMS is actually supposed to be about, saving lives and minimizing injury through training and technology.  The cost and time spent in our programs is very much in line with the wage you can expect to earn actually working on an ambulance.  Our programs are designed to put qualified people into the EMS workforce, today.

In order to graduate, students must complete all of their assignments online.  The assignments come from a variety of places, textbooks, medical journals, army publications, and items developed by the Lead Instructor.   The idea is that the entire scope of the DOT National EMS Education Standards as well as the current AHA Emergency Cardiac Care guidelines are presented and tested on the students own time.  The result is simple,  you are taking an entire course twice during the time period alloted. 

What We Do

What We Don't Do

Teach every conceivable skill Lecture
Teach with repetition Watch PowerPoint Presentations
Simulate injuries with moulage Group discussion about test or quiz items
Hours of CPR Expect you to pass exams consisting of standardized test items during the course
Divide complex skills into smaller easier to master skills Get rid of you after you fail an exam or quiz
Teach the student by engineering 'failure' Read to you
Treat you like an adult and expect you to act like an adult Expect you to sit for long hours
Put you in a position to get dirty and sweaty Make you memorize skill sheets for weeks on end
Teach the class in an ambulance simulator  
Teach the course with a 6:1 student instructor ratio  
Actually train you to perform patient assessment
Place a high value on your time by making sure each meeting is highly productive  

In addition to the structure discussed above, our AEMT is  taught with increasing levels of intensity.  We'll teach you a skill with one of our various teaching methods then immediately put you into a realistic scenario (with the help of your smartbook, which is a weekly guidebook for students that gives the student something to look at while they engage a given scenario).  You will be amazed at how much you can learn and how quickly you can learn it when given the opportunity to put the pieces together yourself. 

All courses are taught while all students and instructors are wearing N-95 masks (provided with the tuition). 

We are planning on teaching an EMT program at our location in Dunwoody, Georgia in January, 2020.For more information, email info@georgiaemsacademy.com or call 404.806.0584.  Please fill out the form below:
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